Jurnal Solusi Masyarakat Dikara (JSMD) (ISSN 2828-3481 Online) serves as a platform for publishing the impactful community service work of faculty members, contributing to the fulfillment of the three pillars of higher education, particularly in community engagement. This journal is published three times a year (in April, August, and December) offering articles that are relevant and provide tangible benefits to society.
JSMD welcomes submissions from a wide range of disciplines, including social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, economics, and humanities. We encourage authors to submit original manuscripts that adhere to the journal's template format and comply with the detailed guidelines in our Author Guidelines. Submissions should be written in proper Indonesian, free from plagiarism, and not previously published elsewhere. By upholding these high academic standards, we are committed to publishing quality work that not only advances scholarly discourse but also provides real solutions to the community.
Online Submission
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Registration and login are required to submit manuscripts online and to check the current status of your submission.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact us at: dikarainstitute@gmail.com; editor@dikara.orgVol 4, No 3 (2024): Desember 2024
Table of Contents
Muhammad Ali, M Mursalin, Muhammad Hasyem, Muklir Muklir
Riza Musni, Fida Rafalina, Nurussulha Nurussulha, Zakiah Fitri Hasibuan, Nadia Sulestri
Rohantizani Rohantizani, Nuraina Nuraina, Rizka Suhaila, Syafirly Ramadhana
Asri Asri, Ira Devi Sara, Sofyan Arianto, Ezwarsyah Ezwarsyah, Arnawan Hasibuan, Asran Asran
Imanullah Imanullah, Erniati Erniati, Saiful Adhar, Muliani Muliani, Yudho Andika, Erlangga Erlangga
Adi Setiawan, Alchalil Alchalil, Muhammad Daud, Ahmad Nayan, Mohammad Heikal, Nurmalita Nurmalita, Firman Karim, Umar Ramadhan Siregar, Ochitria Cintia Br. Simajuntak, Ichsan Alwi Nasution
Kartika Kartika, Asran Asran, Misbahul Jannah, Arnawan Hasibuan, Zainuddin Ginting, Muthmainnah Muthmainnah
Zulfikar Zulfikar, Amrullah Amrullah, Dina Hendiyani, Zainuddin Iba, Sutoyo Sutoyo, Nuriman Nuriman
M Sayuti, Muhammad Daud, Arnawan Hasibuan, Widyana Verawaty Siregar, Mariyudi Mariyudi, Cindeni Puspasari, Rizky Almunadiyansyah, Fahrian Roid, Nyak Qurratu Aini
Naiza Ferona, Nadifatul Hawari, Nurhabibi Siregar, Nur Sakinah, Widi Astuti